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Spiral Kinetic® Fitness

Build high-performance that
Wins..... GOLD!


Build performance that wins GOLD! Read our latest thinking and have us evolve yours - On a regular basis.

What We Do...

Your body is an intense work of art

Your muscles are a reflection of that artwork. A reflection of your abilities. That is why we find muscles so attractive. They show the entire world what you’re able to do.

Our motto simply reflects this:
It’s – Sexy. Intelligent. Fitness.

The Weightless Version of our Workout ...below

The Benefits!

Learn the secrets to Inner and outer fitness!

Healing your joints. Preventing injuries. Enhanced Flexibility. Speed. Strength. The ability to generate deep inner power. Anti-aging and longevity. Muscle gain. Ridding yourself of excess body-weight. Building skills and athleticism… inside the body. Fast recovery from exercise. Sports enhancement.

In addition to: connecting deeply with your body for greater skill and control, deeper sleep, diet and appetite optimization, high-performance breathing, and mind/body mastery.

And most importantly: Getting an edge over the competition.

Can you afford to wait any longer to get these results?


What They Are Saying...

Praise for Spiral Kinetic® Fitness!
From people who know…..

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Let's Achieve Your Athletic Goals!

It’s so simple:
Spiral Kinetics® is 3 Dimensional Movement!
And 3 Dimensional Movement is the key to your health and Power…..

What is

Spiral Kinetic® Fitness

The Next Level in Exercise
...for Athletes

Your body was made to move in 3-Dimensional Spirals. It really is that simple. And not just in graceful ways, but in powerful ways, with all the strength that you can muster; giving birth to the possibility of so much more.

This helps you avoid painful injuries, opens up your joints for healing, and allows for the full contraction of muscles… from the longest to the shortest they can be so they can generate incredible power. This, combined with Advanced Spiral Breathing and Neurological-Fitness life coaching… gives you the high-level athletic performance and evolutionary body of Spiral Kinetics®.

Master Kinetic Trainer

Lyric H. Ginsberg

Evolutionary Fitness NeuroPhysical trainer… Lyric Ginsberg accelerates individuals and groups to their fitness goals. He is the creator and founder of the Bad-Ass Ultra-Modern Luxury brands: Spiral Kinetic® Evolutionary Fitness, Personal Acceleration® Coaching, Evolved Love™ Relationship systems, and the practical philosophy of Embodied Realism™.

With over 30 years in the excellence industry, his fitness work has helped hundreds of people physically heal and develop athletic prowess in their chosen sport or event… accelerating their performance and giving them access to new inner abilities.
His door is open to the next success being …YOU.

Make an Appointment

Get info from Spiral Kinetic® Fitness

Don’t miss out on the next stage of fitness and personal growth. It’s time to evolve your physical experience… into excellence.
We have an entire library of Movements at Spiral Kinetics.
Movements that are both fun and highly effective and original.
You don’t know them yet.
But you will soon.
Come learn them all….

Spiral Kinetic® Fitness.
Sexy! Intelligent! Fitness!