In order to create your perfect body and athletic abilities we need you to learn 3D Spiral Movement and get it deep into your system.
This is what we consider home base for Spiral Kinetic® Fitness. When you have it in you, you have no choice but move into a state of EXCELLENCE…
“The Evolved Body”.
(read more below…)
1 – Outer Fitness
Your body is an incredible machine, one that you can treat optimally, or poorly.
Give the machine of your body all the movements it needs… through Spiral Kinetics®… and it’s like nutrition for it. Feeding it. Feeding us. Nurturing us. Enhancing and evolving us. Just through movement alone… it opens up in terms of power, flexibility, and ability itself. It removes the need for specialists like chiropractic and massage. Why? Because the system is healthy and self generating. When your body gets the movement nutrition it needs… it’s no longer tight. It’s no longer deficient. It’s no longer stuck. It no longer needs “fixing”. Instead,… it lives and exists as “fixed”. It exists in spinal bliss … and more.
Let’s say you are a race-car and you want to go even faster that you usually do so you could win more races. We couldn’t just take you out on the track and run you hot. Your engine would blow out and your tires would fall off. You aren’t ready for that.
Instead… we need to take you into the garage and re-tool you in detail. Re-engineer and upgrade and update all of you. Advance your abilities…and then take you back on the racetrack to teach you how to run much faster as a lean mean high-performance machine.
3D Spiral Movement is the key.
And it’s what we teach here at Spiral Kinetic® Fitness.
• Classes
• One on one trainings
• Group outings
• Our Evolver Exercise Series
• Our Advanced Movement Library
These are all the methods we use to give you what you need to succeed!
To be the athlete you once were or the one you always wanted to be.
The second half of our Advanced System to make you a high-performer is to access your Neurology. This is the deep inner programming that drives you around in the background. It’s your co-pilot.
Well, let’s optimize it now!
(read more below)
2- Inner Fitness
Your neurological system is a mystery.
It runs us without us knowing it. It lives in the background of our lives. It contains the deep rooted programing that we call our “habits” and “compulsions”. These show up from the easy way we drive our cars, to our interactions with food, to the postures we hold ourselves in every day …and the ways in which we sleep. These are the unconscious systems that allow our consciousness to be free to think higher thoughts… while it churns along in the background… either helping or harming us.
But what if the habits that control the way we move and think are not optimal for us?
Then we end up fighting with ourselves. We end up… stuck. Confused. In pain. Being poor performers in any or all aspects of life.
Spiral Kinetics® is focused on your freedom. It’s intelligent fitness.
It is a way to somatically un-stick your nervous system. To de-traumatize your body and being.
It is a “way in” to change who you are and who you want to and who you will be. To give you what we call a “Strategic Subconscious”.
Do you want to achieve excellence?
So do it!
Do it though our movement systems, breathing techniques, somatic-energetic exercises, and more.
Do it though learning how Power flows inside and through your body, and how to generate more of it.
Do it so you have influence and control of your entire you… you can embody the best athlete, the best entrepreneur, the best version of yourself that you know you can be.
Contact us and make an appointment.
Inner and Outer fitness….
Your body was made to move in spirals. It really is that simple. And not just in a
graceful way, but in a powerful way, with all the strength that you can muster; giving birth to the possibility of so much more.